Preparing the knitting machine

This is where computerized machine knitting differs from hand knitting greatly. The way that human hands execute what the brain dictates, does not come naturally to the machine. The knitting machine is equipped with state-of-the-art software on how to maneuver each needle, or other tasks, as the carriage passes over the work area. However, in order to function correctly, there are commands we must input to allow the machine to “detect” where the carriage is in reference to the needle bed, hence the reference run.

We also needed to update the software, so the design software and machine software have the latest updates and communicate with each other correctly. Finally, the machine requires lubrication to ensure all moving parts can glide smoothly along the path. This is where machine knitting is very different from hand knitting, and it’s the very impressive engineering that allows this robot to simulate a human function. Up next, setting up the network and threading yarns.


Knitting Successfully


Stoll Knitting Machine